The Sabbath Law Does Not Apply to Christians
- The Sabbath law applied only to the Israelites. See Ex. 31:13-17 and Ez. 20:10-12. It is never stated in Scripture that people of other nations were to keep the Sabbath unless they were living as foreigners in the land of Israel (Exodus 20:10).
- The Sabbath law was not given until after the exodus (Deut. 5:15).
- Christ is Lord of the Sabbath (Mark 2:28). Jesus kept the Sabbath because he still lived under the Old Covenant. The New Covenant only took effect after his death (Heb. 9:15,16).
- Christians are not obligated to keep the Sabbath (Col. 2:16-19). The Sabbath and other institutions of the Old Covenant were according to this text just a shadow of the New Covenant. Now that Christ has come, these shadows are no longer applicable. See also Gal. 3:23-25.
- Christians are not under the ten commandments (2 Cor. 3:4-11). According to this text the law of the ten commandments was a dispensation of death. The old law had to disappear to make room for a new spiritual dispensation of Christ. Read Hebrews chapter eight and notice verse 13. Jesus did not come to destroy the law (according to Mat. 5:17) but he did come to fulfill the law. When He fulfilled all things, when all had been finished (see verse 18) the old law became obsolete. Jesus established a new covenant that is better. Read the sermon on the mount in Matthew five to see how the commandments of Jesus exceed the old law.
- Paul attended Jewish meetings on the Sabbath to have an opportunity to preach Christ to them (Acts 1314; 16:13; 18:4). But in the New Testament one never reads of a Christian assembly on the Sabbath.
- Christians come together on the first day of the week (John 20:19,26; Acts 20:6,7; 1 Cor. 16:2).
- God has replaced the Sabbath of the Old Covenant with a new Sabbath (which means 'rest'). Read Hebrews 4:1-11 and notice verse seven. The heavenly Sabbath (rest) after this life is the true Sabbath. The old Sabbath of the Jews was just a passing shadow (Col. 2:16) and does not apply for Christians.
Roy Davison
Published in The Old Paths Archive